Thursday, August 21, 2008

Not Just White Trash

In reading a couple of books targeted at military wives, I noticed a stark contrast in perceptions. One author, my favorite, made it clear that all types of women are military wives. Some are young brides and others are average, while still others are older, re-married, or widowed. Many of the wives around the military have education levels as high as post-graduate work, while others may not have even finished high school. There are military families that were started by teenagers and others who began having children after a decade or more of adult marriage.

Isn't this how people are in the wider world? Diverse people is just how the Earth continues a balance. We need custodians and computer technicians, cooks and chemists. Mothers and wives also need to come from diverse backgrounds. If I didn't
read about scientific research and listen to women who learned from experience, I would only get part of the whole story.

I don't always recognize this when I feel down and alone. My advice for each person attached to the military is to remember how many people are around and chose to surround yourself with ones that can bring peace to your life. We cannot always avoid our gossipy neighbor (nor do we always want to) or maintain a gossip proof life. The impact of the negative can be kept to a minimum.

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