Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How to Communicate When You Are a World Apart

The internet has brought the world so much closer.

I remember the old funny story about my Grandfather, stationed in Panama, who neglected to write to his mother. She called the commander of his installation and said she was worried about her little Davy. Davy was summoned into the Commander's office and ordered to write to his mother right then and there.

Today we don't have the excuse of letters getting lost in the mail, or no time to write a letter. Most of us get the chance to at least send a passing "I love you" via e-mail on a semi-regular basis. It is so important not to take that for granted. On your busiest day, if you have a moment to send of a sentence, you should snatch it and remind your family of those words. That is a priceless opportunity.

I have the great advantage of owning my own computer and incorporating high-speed internet into my meager monthly budget. My spouse also has this advantage. So, even when we're apart, we can use the webcam to speak to each other, face-to-face, several times a week. I would say we take this privilege for granted from time to time. The cost is little, so the sacrifice does not mean as much as my great-grandmother's call to Panama.

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